
Diabetes in Dogs : Symptoms

The symptoms of diabetes in dogs occur gradually, and often go unnoticed until the disease has become quite advanced. There are tell-tale signs you should watch for, and take your dog to be tested if you suspect they may have diabetes.

Drinking More Water

Excessive drinking throughout the day that continues for several days can be a sign of diabetes. If you’re having to fill the water bowl more often, you may want to have your dog tested for canine diabetes. Having a veterinarian check your pet is a good idea since other diseases may also cause an increase in thirst.

Increased Urination

Although you may not notice the increased water intake (it can be very gradual), you’ll be made aware of the increased need to urinate. If your dog is drinking more, then they’re going to be wanting to go outside more.

Weakness and Tiredness

Your dog may appear weak and very tired most days. If your dog is normally active and suddenly develops these symptoms over the course of a few days, consider having them tested for diabetes.


A subtle shaking and shivering . If this symptom appears, take your dog to the veterinarian immediately as it is a symptom of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and is very serious.

A Sweet Breath

The typical “dog breath” so familiar too us all, may become a “sweet” smell. This is a sign that your dog’s blood sugar levels have risen too high and need to be brought under control.

Loss of Weight

Being overweight can bring on diabetes in dogs, but sometimes a dog will begin to steadily lose weight instead. Whether from the onset of diabetes or not, you need to take your dog to the Vet right away for tests to rule out any other type of serious disease.

