
Diabetes Type 1 cured in dogs

Deep down I really believe that genetics and stem cells are the future of medicine. However we are still very far from that for technical, scientific and not to mention ethical reasons.

But still good news :
Spanish researchers were able to completely cure type 1 diabetes (diabetes by destruction of the pancreas) in dogs by injecting genes of insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas to control blood sugar) and glucokinase (enzyme implicated in the processing of glucose) carried by a virus.
Next step is to try this in humans. It is worth mentioning however that in the dogs, the diabetes was induced by chemically destroying the pancreas whereas in humans it is autoimmune.
Still fingers crossed.
This could be huge news since diabetes is a serious disease with serious complications if left untreated and not well controlled.

20130219-225613.jpgIslets of Langerhans

Islets of Langerhans contain beta cells and are located within the pancreas. Beta cells produce insulin which is needed to metabolize glucose within the body.



Type I diabetes

In response to high levels of glucose in the blood, the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas secrete the hormone insulin. Type I diabetes occurs when these cells are destroyed by the body’s own immune system.


The pancreas is located behind the liver and is where the hormone insulin is produced. Insulin is used by the body to store and utilize glucose.

Source :
The Scientist
Quick look on diabetes

